Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The 4th Dynamic Donation

and the (4th) is ANXIETY

Duffy believes that for the post 2017 Catholic Christian pilgrim,  Dynamic Donations are the only accepted  legal tender that can be spent along the path of anyone's Pilgrim's Process plan. This  illustration showing the old dynamic donations, you know them well: pay the church, connect with God, and stop eating so much. These are still valid. They are accepted forms of payment. But in the "post 2017" world,  there is a new form of payment, one that taxes the donor far more severely than the other three. It's called ANXIETY. Here is an entry from the Journals:

  "and if you are Catholic in a post 2017 world, that uneasiness you feel, like you have a target on your back? Living with that invisible stigma day after day, most people will not be able to take it, and drop off."

Father Duffy

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Father Duffy Wants Women

Father Duffy was greatly saddened when he learned that membership in his Melchizedek Minority was  comprised mostly of men. This gender lop-sided membership must be corrected. After all,   The Virgin Mary, our Priestly model,  is a woman. Therefore women can be priests. Simple as that.  He wrote me, "how can we get the message across? what are we doing wrong in our messaging to get this unacceptable result?"

As your faithful editor I suppose the bulk of the blame rests on my shoulders. So let me take the bull by the horns and say it loud and proud... FATHER DUFFY WANTS WOMEN.

So, whether you are a  man or a woman will you join the Melchizedek Minority as an Auxiliary Simplex Priest?
You should do it.

Once ordained, you can exercise your newly augmented priestly powers as described in the Melchizedek Minority Manifesto. Father Duffy has assured us that all  his teachings are found in the the Church Constitution and fully explained in the Kindle eBook "The Simplex Journals".

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Essay on Extraordinary

Why should I be interested in The Pilgrim’s Process you might ask?  Let me quote  Rectory Rant 103 to persuade you: "the Pilgrim’s Process is the only way left for true sanity, true wealth, true wisdom”
That kind of hyperbole is common with Father Duffy. He would say often (somewhat in contradiction to the typical parish priest) everyone ought to seek “extraordinary” in their communications with God! (ECWG) That should be everyone’s number one priority!

Father Duffy’s stress on “extraordinary” irked some of the Pastors under which he was employed. They would say “Ordinary communications worked fine for two thousand years. Who needs extraordinary?” But since Father Duffy never spoke his wacky words liturgically ( he was forbidden to by ecclesiastical law) the pastors didn't complain much. Duffy performed his duty. He presided at 7 Masses a week per his employment contract. Nothing more, nothing less. The Pastors Duffy worked for through the years gave him high marks in most departments. "He's a good priest they would say, but then reluctantly add but he's limited intellectually so...

The Poetry of Father Duffy

Normally the poetry of an individual is personal and very different from his public writings. Not so with Father Duffy. His volume of poetry entitled “Lavender Lollipops.” has a character and theology consistent with his Journals: a childlike, bordering on childish simplicity.  The Simplex theology that animates the poems is heavy-handed and proselytizing in nature. They are amateurish offshoots of his readings and their meter is clumsy and eccentric.
In his "Lavender Lollipops: The Poetry of Father Duffy"  there are approximately 500 poems written from 1976 to November 2017. I have culled a handful from that folio which I will publish periodically.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Another Duffy Internal Contradiction

There are two ways to look at life, the scientific/mechanical model or there's "magic". It's an either/or proposition. As any good follower of Father Duffy  knows, our quasi-clerical hero is foursquare on the side of "magic". But he doesn't make a big deal out of it because it's so routine for him. It happens every day and it flows effortlessly from his fingertips. Yes, Father Duffy, with full conscious assent, lives in a magic world.
Which is odd because his Pilgrim's Process plan, his way for extraordinary communications with God, is so mechanical.  He, without apology, stole the plan from his former workplace. No harm no foul, he rationalizes.  "I stole it for the common good and look at the good it will do, even if just a few follow the Pilgrim's Process plan."

A Pilgrim's Process plan is a machinist process plan that will bring the participant to a an endpoint in the plan called the Rub. The Rub is where ECWG occur.

In his Journals he often uses the casino slot machine metaphor to describe ECWG experience. These Divine Communiques can only be achieved if you are at the right place at the right time with the right word on your lips. If those conditions are fulfilled then just like at a casino slot, you could hit a jackpot, or ECWG. These two rare events are similar to each other in manifold ways.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Life as an Adolescent Catholic Bi

It wasn't easy for Mike Duffy being who he was and so forth. It is reported that he could "bi locate". Bi Location is a spiritual gift that enables a person to be at two place at the same time. Duffy would often Bi-locate at slow times during work, that stupid engraver's job, and "take a leave" and suddenly he would appear hovering over his mom and dad. Duffy would often show up at his parents unannounced just his head floating over the pleasant living room at home. He loved visiting his living room. It was a perfect 15 minute getaway from his crumby job.

This particular religious-psychic skill was utilized only in his youth. One time when he Bi-located into the living room, his head appeared right next to his mother's head and scared the life out of her. After that unfortunate event, Duffy stopped Bi-locating. Also, your faithful editor would like to add that, although Father Duffy works as a Floating Simplex , the floating head you see has nothing to do with that. A Floating Simplex is a priest who travels from parish to parish helping priests with their Mass duties. In other words, Father Duffy is currently employed as  Floating Simplex but he no longer floats. Does that make any sense?