Sunday, September 30, 2018

Father Duffy Drawing 54 "A Catholic Threesome"

It is often forgotten that young Mike Duffy's production of the Purple Flash was the product of three entities: Mike's asking the question, Priest B and the Tabernacle itself. When that frustrated engraver/silversmith asked the question "at" the Tabernacle and produced  the purple flash, he had no idea that priest B was back there; the completed circuit had three prongs.   
"The tabernacle popped a purple flash like a casino slot machine" Father Duffy from the early Journals.

My research indicates this is a Roman Catholic example of the Alchemical Triage where three entities triangulate to produce a divine manifestation. 

 Of course, this pastor (Priest B) now had a problem. When someone from the front pew calls down a purple flash on the pastor's head; that pastor has a problem. He's lost control of his sanctuary. But no worries because our good Priest B would regain control of his sanctuary in short order, but this young Mike  Duffy was going to have to be watched. 

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