Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Father Duffy Wants Women

Father Duffy was greatly saddened when he learned that membership in his Melchizedek Minority was  comprised mostly of men. This gender lop-sided membership must be corrected. After all,   The Virgin Mary, our Priestly model,  is a woman. Therefore women can be priests. Simple as that.  He wrote me, "how can we get the message across? what are we doing wrong in our messaging to get this unacceptable result?"

As your faithful editor I suppose the bulk of the blame rests on my shoulders. So let me take the bull by the horns and say it loud and proud... FATHER DUFFY WANTS WOMEN.

So, whether you are a  man or a woman will you join the Melchizedek Minority as an Auxiliary Simplex Priest?
You should do it.

Once ordained, you can exercise your newly augmented priestly powers as described in the Melchizedek Minority Manifesto. Father Duffy has assured us that all  his teachings are found in the the Church Constitution and fully explained in the Kindle eBook "The Simplex Journals".